SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, October 5, 2017 – “Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work” by Halimah Bellows, MA, MS has been named a finalist in the category of Careers in the 2017 competition sponsored by Book Excellence Awards of Brampton, Ontario.  A complete list of finalists can be found at  http://bookexcellenceaward.com/honorees/2017-finalists/ .

“Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work” also won the Summer 2016 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award in the category of Self-Help Books and was named a finalist in the category of Business-Careers in the Thirteenth Annual Best Book Awards sponsored by i310 Media Group, Inc. and a finalist in the category of Business-Careers in the Eighth Annual International Book Awards sponsored by American Book Fest.

“Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work” addresses the needs of a new generation of career seekers in a rapidly changing economy and job marketplace. Designed as self-paced career development workshop in book format, “Champion Your Career” provides self-assessment tools to enable individuals to explore their personal passions, values, strengths and skills, along with sound strategies and resources for decision making, goal setting and networking to begin a fulfilling new career. “Champion Your Career” is available in print and as an ebook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million and Powell’s online bookstores. It is also available directly from the author’s website, http://www.championyourcareer.com. Additionally, it is also now being carried in bookstores around the country as well as in some local college bookstores and college and public libraries in the Pacific Northwest.

Halimah Bellows is also the creator of a unique self-coaching tool called CAREER QUEST CARDS TM ©, a set of 24 cards providing a distillation of 30 key career-coaching exercises. A Career Quest App is available through Amazon as well as at the google and iBooks stores.

Bellows is a sought after and respected resource for career advice and coaching. She teaches her clients to re-frame their lives and career choices by choosing positive and life affirming goals that have realistic time frames so that discouragement doesn’t set in. She stresses, “What I focus on and teach others through my book and the CAREER QUEST CARDS TM ©, and app is that, in order to meet a goal, you need to turn to those things that you want to make happen, things that will give you a sense of accomplishment, skill building and joy. Those goals will be much more sustainable.”

Halimah Bellows is available for radio, television and media interviews as well as readings and discussions in bookstores and other venues. For a review copy of “Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work” or an interview with the author, contact her at hbellows@championyourcareeer.com or 206.595.7927.

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